Thursday 6 June 2013

Snails Carry Parasitic Disease That Harm Humans And Sometimes Kill

Really?I came across this article about deadly snail on the web, the topic reads “Walk for Your Lives! Deadly Giant Snails Are Invading Texas” can’t help but to laugh.   Sometimes I think the people in the western world or the so called food scientist exaggerate or make up stories when they find creatures that are strange or foreign to them.

Delicious Africa Snails seasoned with pepper and onions. Finger linking!!!

Delicious Nigeria Snail with Edika Ikong, mi fellow Nigerians especially those that comes from the east understand. Wink!! Yummy!!!
Eating snail in Africa or in France is normal not abnormal as they make it seems; though there are different species of snails just like we have different types of meat or fish. I love to eat snails especially the giant snail shown above , one of my favourite delicacy. If the article below is anything to go by then I should be dead by now, God forbid.  Even most Africans or Nigerians should be dead by now. Read the article below Lol (my Opinion)

A Houston woman discovered a giant African land snail in her garden—a slimy horror of a creature that is as disgusting as it is deadly. Jokes about killer snails aside, the reason the snails can be lethal to humans is that one of the snails' favorite foods is rat feces, and one of the things you find in rat feces is a form of meningitis called "rat lungworm." So, if you are someone like local resident Jack Fendrick, who told local news KPRC, "I think most people, kids especially, will see a big snail and want to touch it," don't do that!

Here's the Houston report from NBC News:

Autumn Smith-Herron, director of the Institute for the Study of Invasive Species at Sam Houston State University, is worried that too many Houston residents will find the 8-inch gastropods irresistible. "Unfortunately, humans are picking the snails up," she told KPRC. "They carry a parasitic disease that can cause a lot of harm to humans and sometimes even death."

Not to encourage any snail-huggers, but Texas's Institute for the Study of Invasive Species has some sort of good news about the snails found so far on American soil: "no infected snails have been confirmed in the United States." But that doesn't mean that the snails found in Houston won't eventually gorge themselves on rat poop.

Perhaps just as disconcerting as these guys's eating habits and our penchant for taking pictures with them is that they're an invasive species, meaning they are ecological threats. "The giant snails can lay 100 eggs per month, and though only one has been found, it is believed more are in the area," reports NBC News. Do the math: that's 1,200 eggs per year and countless nightmares.


  1. Nice one sis

  2. Am salivating don't mind them jare.

  3. I can't imagine what they would say about people that eat snake, crocordile or DOG (Oyinbo's favourite's pet).

  4. Kemi you re not from the East ke? Your name says it all, probably from the South.

  5. A pic of snail cooked with vegatable and egusi soup could have been perfect.

  6. someone need to invite the oyinbos to a nigerian restaurant and give them some snail to taste. Guess their view would change.

  7. Anything Africans has a hand in or that is of an Africa origin is deadly and always negative as far as the developed countries are concern.

  8. I just finish eating snail, thanks to my mother in law. so yummieeee.

